What’s one of the most obvious signs of ageing? Bad hair & hair loss takes the spot here if you ask me. Looking around me, I often notice people of varying age and gender plagued with hair or scalp problems, and this is especially true for us Asians.
Prior to discovering Phyto Hair Science, I was under the illusion that I have smooth and silky hair, that hair & scalp problems were the least of my concern. This proved to be only half-true. Most commercial shampoo & hair products in the market claims to give “shine/ smoothness/ strength” to our hair and these would be fine if only our scalp wasn’t in the equation.
Due to the multitude of chemicals present in shampoos, in particular silicone which provides certain conditioning benefits, a lot of us don’t realise when our hair & scalp is damaged until it is too late. Contrary to popular belief, women do experience scalp and hair loss, sometimes to an even greater degree as compared to men. We do more things to our hair (dyeing, bleaching, styling or tying them does loads of damage) as compared to men, and because women normally have longer hair, our hair follicles are constantly under stress from all the weight.
PHYTO HAIR SCIENCE started off in 2006 and as is the case today, use only plant-based products to provide customers with the most effective yet gentle treatments. A typical session at PHYTO Hair Science starts with a complimentary scalp diagnosis by a trained Phyto Hair Science trichologist - essential first step to any treatment. With the aid of the latest equipment, even the mildest scalp and hair problems can be detected. Once a diagnostic opinion has been reached, Phyto Hair Science trichologists rely on a 3-STEP DSR (Detox, Stabalise, Regrow) program to determine the most appropriate treatment for each unique scalp. This systematic regime ensures that your scalp is always optimized and prepared to receive the best out of your treatment. As with all things great, long-term management is the key here.
The consultation room for this Award-wining Plant based Hair Spa
I was served by a sweet lady, Ms Destiny, the Outlet Manager in Wheelock Place. She did a great job with her consultation sessions, and is extremely patient and friendly even though I had a lot of questions before and during the treatment.
Screening did before and after my treatment, so you can easily trace the status of your scalp. Oh, I start to worry about my clogged pores and thinning hair.

The changing room and locker area
Then I entered into their Spa Room, I was amazed by their OTO massage chair
A small but thoughtful gesture, every seat comes equipped with its own arsenal of pillows, charging stations and entertainment options like iPad or TV to make the hair spa extra enjoyable.
Four type of massage oils are available for your preference.
My treatment began with brush hair. This actually helps to ensure that your hair is soft and smooth especially detangle during the following steps. Bush hair before shampooing also advisable by Ms Destiny as it avoids hair fall.
Then applied detox mask for 15 minutes. Followed by Oxygen Therapy for about 10 minutes to kill bacterias and also better absorb the mask.
Then I had Detox shampoo for deep cleansing, the icy,minty and cooling sensation is Awesome! I love it so much. I had my 20minutes shoulder massage after the hair wash! Oh mummy, that's Awesome! Their therapist are well trained for massage too ~
The therapist then did a scalp massage for me with their customised scalp serum. The treatment was ended with the an infrared lamp for seven minutes to boost the penetration of the formulas and improve blood circulation.
This treatment comes with complimentary blow-dry and styling. As a value-added service, Phyto Hair Science also helps with hairdressing and they can curl hair without the use of curling tongs!
I love the curls >v<
This is the basis of all PHYTO HAIR SCIENCE treatments. It is the essential first step to any hair care program because it removes toxins and metabolic wastes from the deep tissues of the scalp, ensuring that is primed to receive treatment.Without detoxification, the scalp remains clogged, which means products, when applied, will not yield the best results. Even as you progress through your customised hair care program, it is always recommended that you intersperse your routine with a regular Detox session to always ensure the detrimental factors are eliminated.
It combines deep cleansing with hair regenerating benefits, making it a doubly effective hair loss treatment. The magic ingredient in this new therapy is rosemary, which is added at the end of the treatment in the form of a final shampoo and serum. Rosemary helps reconstruct hair cells and nourish roots, encouraging the growth of gorgeously dense and healthy new hair.
The curls made me look sweet even on the next day!
My hair and scalp felt cleaner and less oily for the rest of the week.
Make your appointment and enjoy this :
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So $88 for all?
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